
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Hello My name is Chae young Kim. I go to Unjung Elementery school and I live with my mom and dad and my baby brother. When i am alone , i like to call my baby brother and tickle him until i get tired. My favorite food is Ramen ,but i can't eat it at GLPS camp. My favorite animal is a puppy. I only like dogs when they are little.
Thank You


  1. Hi Chae Young,

    I'm happy to hear you really love your little brother. When you use the pronoun I, it should always be capitals. I look forward to reading more posts from you.

  2. Hi!
    It is good to learn some important information about you from this post. It is really great that you love your little brother so much. Keep the good relationship with your brother. I look forward to reading your future posts~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)

  3. My favorite snack is Ramen. And I have a baby poodle.

  4. Hi! Nice to meet you!
